La mejor parte de Change your SEO Agency . Sucks

La mejor parte de Change your SEO Agency . Sucks

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. Bing is well-known for taking a harsh stance against the use of meta keywords, since anything resembling spam is an indication of other corner-cutting strategies — at least, according to them.

Today’s SEO climate is dynamic, competitive, and highly specialized. Teams that think it is a few keywords to the top are sorely mistaken.

That’s not to say metadata is useless — meta descriptions still show up in SERPs so people can get an idea about what’s on a page before clicking. But they won’t help rank you above your competition.

Anyone who constantly talks about numbers and rankings and content that’s optimised only for search engines is not someone you want to be working with.

So, let’s get down to business and see what are the red flags and how you can avoid hiring the wrong SEO firm and getting ripped off.

I'm happy to say I absolutely love what I do. I'm an Internet geek at heart, so I've truly found my calling!

The only way to avoid being scammed by spammy, unscrupulous SEO agencies is to get educated about SEO. I’m not saying you need to become an SEO expert (unless you want to handle all SEO tasks yourself) but educate read more yourself to some degree so that you won’t get easily tricked or manipulated by bad SEO firms that promise you the world.

In short, never (EVER) hire a consultant from an unsolicited email. They generally start by saying something in the order of: “I thought you might like to know some of the reasons why you are not getting enough organic & social media traffic on your website.”

Your needs may require just one person, or it may require a combination of skills. However, it is critical for streamlining work and keeping communication clear that you have a point of contact at your agency you Chucho trust. Otherwise, you are missing the 

 Organic SEO driven unique content, strategic keywords, and Vivo links takes time, but the realized gains are never penalized. Ask questions about the scope of work and specific monthly deliverables to get insights into the process and what is being done for the budget you commit.

Unsolicited emails I have no doubt that there will be a couple of people who are going to lose their minds after reading this (sorry!), but almost without exception, an unsolicited email is the biggest indicator that you should "run to the hills, run for your lives" (a little homage to Iron Maiden)!

Companies like these are only interested in quickly making money off naive clients. Don’t be one of them.

Optimizing existing content is critical for enhancing the user experience. Your content needs to answer user questions and address pain points. This, along with proper headers and meta information, will improve page performance and drive organic traffic.

Google is one of the best-paying companies in the world, and their employee benefits are almost fairy-tale levels of ridiculous.

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